Quran and Paganism:-
Most elements of Pagan Arabian worship 500-610 AD were grafted by Muhammad directly into 'Islam' virtually unchanged. In one fell swoop, Muhammad - and the exegetes who followed him- were able to explain away pagan practices by inventing and concocting legends which they attributed to Biblical characters woven by a miasma of incoherent fictitious lore.
The readers should be aware that the Ka'ba is mentioned only ONCE in the Quran-
5: 95 O ye who believe! kill not game while in the Sacred Precincts or in pilgrim garb. If any of you doth so intentionally the compensation is an offering brought to the Ka'ba of a domestic animal equivalent to the one he killed as adjudged by two just men among you; or by way of atonement the feeding of the indigent; or its equivalent in fasts: that he may taste of the penalty of his deed. Allah forgives what is past: for repetition Allah will exact from him the penalty: for Allah is Exalted and Lord of Retribution.
while Mecca is NOT ONCE mentioned in the Quran.
#1. The Ka'ba was of pagan origin.
1 There were many local pagan sanctuaries like the Ka'ba at Mecca. In fact they too were called Ka'ba.
2 Muhammad's tribe was in charge of "ALLAH'S " sanctuary in Mecca.
The claim that the Ka'ba was built by Abraham and Ishmael is not only contradicted in both the Bible and history, but also by the Hadith itself:
Hadith, Sahih al-Bukhari 55:636 & 4.585 Narrated Abu Dhaar
"I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Which mosque was built first?"
He replied, "Al-Masjid-ul-Haram."
I asked, "Which (was built) next?"
He replied, "Al-Masjid-ul-Aqs-a (i.e. Jerusalem)."
I asked, "What was the period in between them?"
He replied, "Forty (years)."
He then added, "Wherever the time for the prayer comes upon you, perform the prayer, for all the earth is a place of worshipping for you."
This Hadith asserts that the Ka'ba was built long after Abraham and Ishmael had died. Abraham lived c. 2000 BC and the Temple was built by Solomon in about 958-951 BC. This implies that the Ka'ba was built in approximately 998-991 BC.
Hence, forgetting for a moment, the FACT that both Muhammad and the Quran are wrong vis a vis the Biblical version of events, if Muhammad is correct, then the Quran is wrong.
But, if the Quran is correct in stating that Abraham and Ishmael built the Ka'ba, then the Hadith is wrong.
Yet, if this particular and important Hadith is wrong on such a seminal issue, then this throws into question the authenticity of the entire Hadith collections, especially Bukhari's collection which is considered to be the most reliable and authentic of all the Ahadith.
#2. The Pilgrimage to Mecca
1. Muhammad merely borrowed this wide spread polytheistic worship style and adopted it into 'Islam' as a central rite. The same pagan ceremony of pilgrimage is taken up undigested as a monotheistic ritual. The Hajj, Umra and Ihram were all Pagan traditions that Muhammad very conveniently 'Islamised'.
2. After the Pilgrimage, in Pagan times, the pilgrims used to gather in assemblies in which the praises of ancestors were sung. As the whole of the Pilgrimage rites were spiritualized in 'Islam', so this aftermath of the Pilgrimage was also spiritualized.
(The Qur'an translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. 1872-1952, First published in 1938, 1973 ed. p. 80, footnote 223)
3. A principal public celebration of the Arabians was an annual pilgrimage, in which tribes who shared a common bond of worship of a deity at a specific sanctuary would reunite there. A pattern of ceremonial procession around the bayt-el [the sacred stone] was common, and this pattern is seen in the surviving Islamic custom of the pilgrimage to Mecca.
(Britannica, Arabian Religions, p1059, 1979)
4. The Muhammadans' veneration of the Ka'ba, the Black Stone and the pilgrimage rites as a whole, are a kind of idol worship and merely the relics of idolatrous superstition. The rites of pilgrimage are remnants of a pre-Islamic cult included by Muhammad in an attempt to reconcile the idolatrous Meccans with the new faith.
5. The Arabs during the pre-Islamic period used to practice certain things that were included in the 'Islamic' Sharia.
They, for example, did not marry both a mother and her daughter.
They considered marrying two sisters simultaneously to be a most heinous crime.
They also censured anyone who married his stepmother, and called him dhaizan.
They made the major [hajj] and the minor [umra] pilgrimage to the Ka'ba, performed the circumambulation around [tawaf] the Ka'ba.
Ran seven times between Mounts Safa and Marwa [sa'y]
Threw rocks and washed themselves after intercourse.
They also gargled, sniffed water up into their noses, clipped their fingernails, plucked their hair from their armpits, shaved their pubic hair and performed the rite of circumcision.
Likewise, they cut off the right hand of a thief
(" Al-Milal wa al-Nihil, Muhammad ibn 'Abdalkarim al-Sharastani, Muslim, vol. 2 chapter on the opinions of the pre-Islamic Arabs, as quoted in al-Fadi, Is the Qur'an Infallible?, p. 122)
#3. Praying 5 times a day
1. The Sabeans have five prayers similar to the five prayers of the Muslims. Others say they have seven prayers, five of which are comparable to the prayers of the Muslims with regard to time [that is, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night; the sixth is at midnight and the seventh is at forenoon].
It is their practice to pray over the dead without kneeling down or even bending the knee.
They also fast for one lunar month of thirty days; they start their fast at the last watch of the night and continue till the setting of the sun. Some of their sects fast during the month of Ramadan, face Ka'ba when they pray, venerate Mecca, and believe in making the pilgrimage to it.
They consider dead bodies, blood and the flesh of pigs as unlawful.
They also forbid marriage for the same reasons as do Muslims
Prior to Islam the people would pray 5 times a day facing Mecca
(Bulugh al-'Arab fi Ahwal al-Arab, Muhammad Shukri al-Alusi, Vol 1, p 121-122, Muslim) (The Encyclopedia of Islam p. 303)
2. At first, Muhammad prayed towards Jerusalem, but when he was rejected by the Jews, he started directing his prayers towards Mecca. Today, monotheistic Muhammadans pray 5 times a day towards Mecca to Allah. Muhammad grafted this pagan practice into 'Islam'.
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 8.688 & 3.248 Narrated byIbn Umar
'Umar said "O Allah's Apostle! I vowed to perform I'tikaf for one night in Al-Masjid-al-Haram, during the Pre-Islamic Period of ignorance (before embracing Islam)." The Prophet said, "Fulfill your vow."
*** Itiqaf was of course before Muhammad***
#4. Crescent moon symbol
1. The crescent moon symbol was used since 2100 BC in paganism. Polytheism has extensively used the symbol of the crescent moon as far back as Abraham as hundreds of archeological examples verify.
2. All the Arabs venerated the Moon Godess and daughter of Allah, one of the last polytheistic remnants of ancient moon worship under a new sanitized monotheistic veil.
3. The star on top of the mosques or as emblems on the flags of 'Muslim' states, is the represerntation of the venerated and feared godess daughter of Allah, al Uzza. She too was santised and 'Islamised' and made halal by Muhammad's unrelenting plagiarism and copying.
#5. "The Run"
1. Pagans performed a fast walk between As-Safa and Al-Marwah.
2. Muhammad redefined the meaning while retaining the ritual hence Muhammadan pilgrims are required to walk fast between As-Safa and Al-Marwah.
#6. "The Throw"
1. The polytheistic pilgrimages required throwing stones at the 'Jinn', the evil malevolent 'spirits' of the Arabian desert.
2. Muhammad retained this concept where the Islamic pilgrimage requires throwing pebbles at three fixed points in Mina, which represent evil. The pilgrim throws rocks over his shoulder at the three stone pillars which he has been told will frighten away the "Jinn" or demons which the stone pillars represent.
#7. The Black Stone
1. A principal sacred object in Arabian religion was the stone, either a rock outcropping or a large boulder, often a rectangular or irregular black basaltic stone ... "
(Britannica, Arabian Religions, p1059, 1979)
2. Of the numerous bayt-els, pagan shrines, the best known is the Black Stone of the Ka'ba at Mecca, which became the central holiest object of 'Islam'. The Black Stone is actually a meteorite that struck the earth. All human societies venerated meteors because they came down from the heavens and hence were always associated with the divine.
3. Muhammadans show special reverence and veneration for the Black Stone and they kiss it by following the example of Muhammad. No follower of Muhammad may question the wisdom behind this act because this rite is an expression of worship in spite of the obscurity of its wisdom.
#8. Holy Days: Friday & Fasting during Ramadan
1. Polytheistic pilgrimage required fasting for the month that begins and ends with the crescent moon for each pagan god.
2. During the holy month of Ramadan (November) Muhammadans emulate the tradition of the pagan Arabs by beginning and ending a month long fast in exactly the same time and manner as the polytheists who pre-dated Muhammad.
3. The Muhammadan tradition of hallowing the four sacred months of Rajab, Dhu al-Qa'da, Dhu al-Hijja and Muharram, is a continuation of the tradition of the Jahilyia Arabs who considered them sacred during the pre-Islamic period. Raids, taking revenge, war, fighting and disputes were forbidden during them. If a man were to meet his enemy who killed his father or brother during these months, he would not quarrel with him... During the sacred months, [the people] were under restriction not to fight or make raids, and had to remove [their] spearheads as a sign that they would avoid fighting at all costs.'
#9. Abstinence during Pilgrimage
1. Another practice that left its influence on Islam was ceremonial abstinence. The South Arabian festival of Halfan was a moratorium on the use of weapons. Certain times were specified for fasting and abstention from sexual relations. Burnt offerings and sacrifices were common." (Britannica, Arabian Religions, p1059, 1979)
2. This identical pagan origin ceremonial abstinence is present today in 'Islam' since Muhammad merely retained and continued this pagan ritual.
#10. Allah
The verses of the Qur'an make it clear - since they do need to explain the term - that the very name Allah existed in the Jahiliyya or pre-Islamic Arabia. Certain pagan tribes believed in a god whom they called 'Allah' and whom they believed to be the creator of heaven and earth and holder of the highest rank in the hierarchy of the gods.
It is well known that the Quraysh as well as other tribes believed in Allah, whom they designated as the 'Lord of the House' (i.e., of the Ka'ba)...It is therefore clear that the Qur'anic conception of Allah is not new.
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 6.171/ 2 Narrated byAnas bin Malik
Abu Jahl said, "O Allah! If this (Qur'an) is indeed the Truth (from You), then rain down on us a shower of stones from the sky or bring on us a painful punishment." So there was revealed: "But Allah would not punish them while you (Muhammad) were amongst them, nor will He punish them while they seek (Allah's) Forgiveness. And why Allah should not punish them while they stop (men) from Al-Masjid-al-Haram..." (8.33-34)
#11. Praising Allah
After the Pilgrimage, in Pagan times, the pilgrims used to gather in assemblies in which the praises of ancestors were sung.
As the whole of the Pilgrimage rites were spiritualized in 'Islam', so this aftermath of the Pilgrimage was also spiritualized. It was recommended for pilgrims to stay on two or three days after the Pilgrimage, but they must use them in prayer and praise to Allah.
2:200 "So when ye have accomplished your holy rites, celebrate the praises of Allah,
as ye used to celebrate the praises of your fathers, yea, with far more Heart and soul."
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 9.21 Narrated byIbn Abbas
The Prophet said, "The most hated persons to Allah are three: (1) A person who deviates from the right conduct, i.e., an evil doer, in the Haram (sanctuaries of Mecca and Medina); (2)
a person who seeks that the traditions of the Pre-Islamic Period of Ignorance, should remain in Islam (3) and a person who seeks to shed somebody's blood without any right."
*** Based upon the Muhammadan traditions themselves, as shown above, Muhammad must be a most hated person to Allah since he actually kept almost every one of the Pagan Arabian traditions bar one.
In simple conclusion, Muhammadan Islam is nothing more than REPACKAGED Pagan Arabian traditions and DISGUISED as 'Islam' to FOOL the UNLEARNED (UMMIYOON), the UNLETTERED and the IGNORANT.
Muhammadan Islam is REGURGITATED Paganism ***